Why adjectives can wreck your sales pitches

A phenomenon I see quite often as a freelance copywriter is people’s desire to stuff their sales pitches full of adjectives like ‘amazing’, ‘fantastic’ and ‘wonderful’.

Why? You might ask. Surely saying that something is amazing is a positive thing…

Well actually you couldn’t be more wrong. You see, as buyers we don’t wish to hear how a product or service is apparently ‘amazing’ from a person who has a vested interest in selling it. In fact, it’s a big turn off.

After all, it’s up to the end user to decide for themselves whether something is good. That’s why these words should only be used by customers in testimonials, which is where they pull their weight.

As a seller your job is to build an objective case based on clear benefits about why the reader should want what you’re selling. To throw around opinions about how great you think it is simply serves to diminish a sense of scale and relativity, making your pitch far less powerful.

My golden rule with adjectives is to only use them when they add objective information. For example, you should say ‘SOFT toilet paper’, but never ‘amazing toilet paper’. You see?

So try to resist the temptation of using unjustified adjectives, and be strict with yourself. Always put yourself in the reader’s shoes and ask: would that convince me to buy?